Faq -よくある質問-
Q.予約について -Reservation-
Can I stay without bicycle?
Of course you can! Many tourists, Business guess stay our hostel.
Is it ok to stay high school students only?
その際に 「私、保護者○○は子ども○○が御施設I-LINK HOSTEL & CAFÉ SHIMANAMIに宿泊することを承諾致します」という内容を紙に書き保護者の印鑑を押したものを、チェックイン時にお持ち下さい。一人一枚必要です。
The guests above high school students are ok to stay without parents (sorry junior high school students
only are not allowed), However, we need to check parents’ consent letter with their stamp individually.
i.g.) “I, _______ is a parent of my son/ daughter _________, and hereby acknowledge to stay I-LINK HOSTEL & CAFE SHIMANAMI”
Q.館内の設備について -Hostel Facility-
Room partition is curtain, does it echo from other rooms?
Sorry for the inconvenience, but yes it echoes as only curtain partition. Ear plug is available.
Does the room have key lock?
Dormitory rooms have curtains only at the entrances, so the rooms are unlocked. Single and twin rooms have accordion curtains that can be locked. Dormitory rooms have a separate locker from the room for luggage storage. Single and twin rooms also have a security box.
Is hostel shower rooms unisex?
The 2 shower rooms in the back are for women only, and the 4 rooms in the front are for both men and women.
Are there washing machine in hostel?
Yes. There is coin laundry at garage.
Q.食事について -Food & Drinks-
Can we bring and eat food/ drinks in the rooms?
お部屋での食事はご遠慮いただいております。 ガレージや一部のカフェスペースでの持ち込みや飲食は可能となっております。
Sorry, eating in the rooms is prohibited, but you can bring-in food to Cafe space & Garage. For cafe bring-in, only available designated timing (Cafe closing time), please feel free to ask us.
Is breakfast available?
Sorry, breakfast service is not available.
Cafe space is available from 0700 to 0930, please use freely for bring-in food. Drink order is available.
Is there any convenience store to buy breakfast?
There is a Family Mart at other side of road in 1min walk.
Is there any allergies preventing food available?
Sorry we do not have such, but bring-in allergies preventing foods in cafe is ok, pleas feel free to ask us.
Is there any vegetarian food available?
肉不使用のメニューはご用意しておりますが、出汁も不可の場合は対応いたしかねます。その場合お持ち込みいただき、カフェにてお食事するこは可能となっておりますのでご相談ください。 ただし、食材を持ち込みキッチンにて調理することはできません。
There is no meet food, but some broth uses meet.
You can bring-in vegetarian food in the cafe, however bring-in food unable to cock in the kitchen space. Pls feel free to ask us.
Q.その他サービスについて -Other Services-
Can we send baggage or Bicycle before our arrival?
Is baggage delivery service available?
Is there same day delivery service available?
Yes, you can send baggage. Please send 1day before or AM of your arrival. ・お客様のチェックイン日を記入していただき、下記の住所をご記入のうえ発送して下さい。
Please indicate your check-in date and send to below address.
【お届け先】 〒794-1402
TEL 0897-72-8308
○月○日チェックイン○○(予約者名様)の旨ご記入下さい。 7345-1 Inokuchi, Kamiura-cho, Imabari city, Ehime Pref 794-1402 Japan
TEL 0897-72-8308
Please indicate “check in Date dd/mm. XXXX (guest reservation name) ・着払いの場合はお預かりできません。
Cash on Delivery is not available ・現金、貴重品類はお預かりできません。
Cash, valuable items cannot be sent ・こちらでは宅急便とは契約しておりません。お客様が手配した往復便のお荷物をお預かりして、宅配員にお渡しすることは可能でございます。また、近くにコンビニがございますので、そちらで配送してもらうことも可能でございます。
We do not have contracted courier service, but we can arrange baggage delivery. Also convenience store can arrange delivery service.
We do not have same day delivery service. Wakka (hotel nearby) have delivery service, please contact Wakka one day before for their arrangement.
問い合わせTEL→0848-21-5120 【9:00-18:00(予約の場合8:00-18:00) 定休日:火・水曜日】
Yes, we have E-Bike rental Service. Please contact us for more detail.
How far from Omishima BS
10min walk.
Is there free car parking?
We have free car parking space. You can park there even before check-in.
Bicycle and Motor bike can be parked in the Garage. But for motor bike guests only able to go our after 07:00. For bicycle guest are ok anytime.
Is any public bath (Onsen) available nearby?
The public bath at “Tatara Shimanami Dome” is an 8-minute walk away. It is open from 10:00 to 21:00 (last admission at 20:30) and closed on Tuesdays. Bath towels and body towels are not provided, so please bring the bath towels and body towels provided in your room and buy your own shampoo.
*Please bring your bath towels and towels back to our hostel.